Recipe for Revenge is a 2D pixel art adventure platformer game made with Unity. I created all original art assets, animations, and game design and level design.
My page for the game is below:
Phoebe Gold, the chef at her restaurant "Golden Galley", has just learned the infamous food critic Stella Parks is here, the very same critic who ruined her dad's restaurant with a poor review, so Phoebe has something to prove. However, the food has chosen this moment to revolt and now she must save the restaurant and deliver the perfect dish at the same time.

Player Movement
• Phoebe can move left and right with the A and D keys, and can jump with
the space bar.
the space bar.
• When close to an NPC, dialogue will activate.
• When in dialogue, use E key to advance dialogue lines.
• The dialogue UI has a name plate, speaker sprite, and scrolling text.
• Phoebe needs to collect food ingredients to make the dish. There are bread
collectibles throughout the game, and defeated enemies turn into collectibles.
collectibles throughout the game, and defeated enemies turn into collectibles.
• Collectibles are counted and displayed in the top right as "ingredients".
• The more collectibles you pick-up, the higher your score at the end.
• You have a health bar displayed at the top.
• Your health is decreased by colliding with enemies and enemy projectiles.
• Your health is decreased by colliding with enemies, enemy projectiles, and
environmental hazards like fire and spilled hot soup.
environmental hazards like fire and spilled hot soup.
• Your health is increased by picking up hearts.
• If your health reaches zero, you will spawn back at the most recent checkpoint.
• You have a rolling pin melee attack. This deals damage to enemies close range.
You can switch to this weapon by pressing 1.
You can switch to this weapon by pressing 1.
• You also have a throwing knife ranged attack, which fires damaging knife
projectiles. You can switch to this weapon by pressing 2.
projectiles. You can switch to this weapon by pressing 2.
Food enemies
• The food has animated and seeks revenge! Each food enemy is an ingredient
that you can collect once you defeat it.
that you can collect once you defeat it.
• Each defeated enemy is counted and displayed in the top right as "defeated".
• Some enemies are stationary and only damage you on collision (garlic, celery).
• Some enemies patrol an area but only damage you on collision (potato, egg).
• Some enemies patrol an area and chase you if you are in range (flour, butter).
• Lastly, some enemies patrol an area and shoot projectiles at you if you are
in range (peapod, milk).
in range (peapod, milk).
• The boss enemy pasta will chase you and shot projectiles at you.
Ending and score
• Once you defeat the boss enemy pasta, you can talk to Parks.
• Exiting the room will bring you to the end screen where you can add up
your collectibles and defeated enemies to get your score.
your collectibles and defeated enemies to get your score.
• The higher the score, the better the rating your restaurant received!